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Leslie Elsasser - Introduction
Christian Cortes

Crimi Arrieta - Relative of US Army Veteran
Patricia Colbert - US Army
Gail Cross - US Air Force
Dr. Charlie Ferrer - US Army
Janine Hargrett - US Army
Valerie Larson - US Air Force
Kevin Lipton - US Army
Dolores Matteo - US Army
Karidad Ramis-Hartman - US Army
Roger St. Julian - US Army
Monika Sutton - Spouse of US Army Veteran
Viana L.M. Tavares-Fischer - US Army

Manfredo Bobadilla - US Army
Agustin Collazo Jr. - US Marine Corps / US Navy
Amanda Dodd - US Army
Evan Fountain - US Air Force
Derek Hopkins - US Air Force
Mikko Maki - US Marine Corps
Alicia Morales - US Army
Chris Smith - Spouse of US Army Veteran
Kimberlee Nicole Smith - US Army
RaeAnne Swanson - US Air Force


RaeAnne Swanson, Life on the Farm: Breakfast, 2023.

RaeAnne Swanson, Life on the Farm: Breakfast, 2023.


Life on the Farm: Breakfast

Life on the Farm: Breakfast is one in a series of photographs taken during the summer of 2023 while I spent a week on one of my best friend’s horse farms in Maryland. I began taking these pictures to record my memories of my time there. It quickly turned into a narrative of peaceful moments connecting with nature and all the farm residents as well as a documentation of all the daily chores that must be done to keep the animals healthy and the farm running smoothly. 

This particular photograph depicts the way the horses are fed every morning as each has their specific color bucket with their daily regime to include exact food and supplements based on each of their nutritional needs. While preparing their breakfast, the horses look on in anticipation as they have been in the field all night and know when they are taken back to the stalls, and see the buckets, that it is time for breakfast. A meal they excitedly enjoy! 

Each time I stay on the farm, I immediately have the feeling of calm rush over me. Although there are house chores and barn chores throughout the day that are truly a full-time job, the peacefulness that comes from spending time with friends and pitching in to help with all the animals (dogs, cats, ducks, birds, rabbits, and of course horses) always brings a feeling of happiness that can only be found there!



RaeAnne Swanson, Life on the Farm: Blue, 2023.

RaeAnne Swanson, Life on the Farm: Blue, 2023.

RaeAnne Swanson, Life on the Farm: Braiding Blue, 2023.

RaeAnne Swanson, Life on the Farm: Braiding Blue, 2023.



For more information:
Email Leslie Elsasser at

Breaking Barriers is a program by USF Contemporary Art Museum in collaboration with the USF School of Art & Art History, is supported by the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital, USF Office of Veterans Success, Community Arts Impact Grant of the Hillsborough Arts Council, Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, Love IV Lawrence, USFCAM ACE (Art for Community Engagement) Fund Patrons, and the Florida Department of State, Florida Arts & Culture.