Christian Marclay
Cassette Tape Duplication (No. 13)
38 x 53 inches
Inquire for price - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Untitled Diptych (from the series Cassette Tape Duplication)
30 x 22 inches each panel
Inquire for price - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Baka Booo Bam
2-color, 2-run photogravure with aquatint etching
14-5/8 x 11-7/8 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Fisssss Bang!
2-color, 2-run photogravure with aquatint etching
18-1/2 x 18-1/2 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu
Christian Marclay
Screenprint with hand-painting
18-1/4 x 14 inches
Edition Variée: 30
Available impression#s: 5/30, 6/30, 8/30, 16/30, 23/30, 24/30
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Untitled (from the series Cassette Tape Duplication)
22 x 30 inches
(GS 1554-17) Framed
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Untitled (from the series Cassette Tape Duplication)
22 x 30 inches
(GS 1554-42) Framed
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Untitled (from the series Cassette Tape Duplication)
22 x 30 inches
(GS 1554-27) Unframed
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Untitled (from the series Cassette Tape Duplication)
22 x 30 inches
No Longer Available
Christian Marclay
Sploosh (Handpainted)
Photogravure with hand-painting
Paper: 15-3/4 x 11-5/8 inches
Edition Variée: 15
Available impression#s: 1/15, 6/15, 7/15, 9/15, 11/15, 13/15, 14/15, 15/15
Including frame - +$300.
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Klak Klak Klak
14-9/16 x 11-1/16 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
13-1/16 x 9-5/8 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Zzhaa Zow
14-7/8 x 11-1/8 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu
Christian Marclay
Sploosh (black and white)
15-3/4 x 11-5/8 inches
Edition: 10
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Puff Ouch!
Photogravure on chine collé
12-7/8 x 9-1/16 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Skssh Clang Whssh
Photogravure on chine collé
15 x 12-1/8 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Pokkaa Pok
Photogravure on chine collé
16-1/8 x 11-3/8 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Photogravure on chine collé
12-7/8 x 10-1/8 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Photogravure on chine collé
13-1/2 x 9-1/2 inches
Edition: 25
Inquire now - gsoffice@usf.edu
Christian Marclay
Sound Holes
Suite of 21 photogravures in a clamshell box
13-1/4 x 11 inches
Edition: 12
Inquire for pricing and current availability - gsoffice@usf.edu
Christian Marclay
Sound Holes
Suite of 21 photogravures in a clamshell box
13-1/4 x 11 inches
Edition: 12
Inquire for pricing and current availability - gsoffice@usf.edu

Christian Marclay
Actions: Splashhh Splosh (No. 8)
Screenprint with hand-painted acrylic
60 x 42 inches
Unique monoprint
No Longer Available

Christian Marclay
Manga Scroll
Lithographic hand scroll in maple wood storage box
Box: 20-3/4 x 5 x 5-1/8 inches
Scroll: 19 x 3 x 3 inches
Paper: 16 x 787-1/2 inches
Edition: 5
No Longer Available
Christian Marclay
Unique Cyanotypes
Christian Marclay has made repeated visits to Graphicstudio researching and exploring several new projects including a series of unique cyanotypes. Utilizing the photogram technique (often with multiple exposures) he “draws” with cassettes and unfurled tape, exploring a range of compositional strategies in the intense blue of the cyanotype that are partly inspired by well known abstract painters. These unique prints have been realized in various dimensions.
Below find a small sampling of these unique cyanotypes.
All Marclay's unique cyanotype editions are sold out.

Christian Marclay
Large Cassette Grid No. 3
Unique Cyanotype
38-1/2 x 39 inches
No Longer Available

Christian Marclay
Large Cassette No. 6
Unique Cyanotype
38-1/2 x 39 inches
No Longer Available
Christian Marclay
Allover (The Oakridge Boys, Rollin Band, Styx and Others)
Unique Cyanotype
51-1/2 x 100 inches
No Longer Available
Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Towles Contemporary Art Fund

Christian Marclay
Mashup I
Unique Cyanotype
30-1/8 x 22-1/2 inches each side
No Longer Available
Collection of Graphicstudio, University of South Florida
Christian Marclay
Memento (Lag Wagon)
Unique Cyanotype
51-1/2 x 99 inches
No Longer Available
Collection of the Brooklyn Museum of Art
Christian Marclay
Memento (Soul II Soul)
Unique Cyanotype
51-1/2 x 99 inches
No Longer Available
Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Purchase, Alfred Stieglitz Society Gifts, 2009
Christian Marclay
Allover (Ace of Base, B-52’s, Van Halen, and Others)
Unique Cyanotype
51-1/2 x 100 inches
No Longer Available
Christian Marclay
Untitled (Studio Floor)
Unique Cyanotype
22-1/2 x 30 inches
No Longer Available

Christian Marclay
Cassette Grid No. 3
Unique Cyanotype
22-1/2 x 30 inches
No Longer Available
Christian Marclay
Christian Marclay (b. 1955) is a New York-based visual artist and composer whose innovative work explores the juxtaposition between sound recording, photography, video and film. As a performer and sound artist Christian Marclay has been experimenting, composing and performing with phonograph records and turntables since 1979 to create his unique "theater of found sound." A dadaist DJ and filmmaker, his installations and video/film collages display provocative musical and visual landscapes. He was born in California, raised in Switzerland and now works between New York and London. He has an extensive exhibition and performance record including solo exhibitions at Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau; White Cube, London; the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Barbican, London; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Tate Modern, London; and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. He was awarded the Golden Lion at the 2011 Biennale di Venezia for The Clock. He is represented by the Paula Cooper Gallery in New York and White Cube in London.
Christian Marclay has made repeated visits to Graphicstudio researching and exploring new projects including etchings, photogravures, edition variées of screenprints and photogravures with hand-painting, along with unique works on paper. Continuing his exploration of collage and the visualization of sound these prints utilize imagery from Manga and onomatopoeic words.
Untitled Diptych
Marclay has made multiple visits to Tampa to work in residence at Graphicstudio expanding his artistic research and realizing various projects including this body of monoprints. Marclay created the series of “Cassette Tape Duplication” by laying inked, unfurled cassette tapes onto paper, which were then run through a litho press in various sequences to make the monoprints. For the diptychs, Marclay composed the inked tape on a sheet of paper which was then layered with another sheet of paper and printed in one single run.
Manga Scroll
Since the late 1990s, Marclay has created "graphic" scores, nontraditional forms of notation, for improvisational interpretation by musicians and vocal performers. In 2010, Christian Marclay collaborated with Graphicstudio to produce Manga Scroll, a sixty-foot hand scroll, composed of collaged onomatopoeias sourced from manga comics (originally published in Japan and translated for the US market). The hand scroll, invented in the eleventh century for illustrative narratives, is considered the antecedent to the contemporary Japanese graphic novel. Marclay's collages for Manga Scroll, composed both visually and sonically, are intended for vocal interpretation. Manga Scroll has been exhibited internationally at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City; White Cube, London; Gallery Koyangi, Tokyo; and at USF in 2012. Exhibitions of Manga Scroll have featured performances by Shelley Hirsch, Joan La Barbara, David Moss, Phil Minton, Elaine Mitchener, and Makigami Koichi.
Sound Holes
In this work Sound Holes are not openings in the bodies of stringed instruments but instead industrially designed wall speakers installed in elevators, apartment buildings and the like. The artist explores the devices' visual and functional properties in 21 beautifully toned photogravures, derived from photographs of sound holes found in Europe and the United States. The sound holes display a wide range of varying designs and patterns, and their basic configuration echoes the visual representation of actual sound waves. Their blank metallic and stone surfaces serve as barriers, dividing in a hierarchical way the speaker from the listener, and also serve as openings, providing avenues for communication.
These unique cyanotypes are created utilizing the photogram technique (often with multiple exposures) as he "draws" with cassettes and unfurled tape, exploring a range of compositional strategies in the intense blue of the cyanotype that are partly inspired by well known abstract painters. These unique prints have been realized in various dimensions.
Related Media
Christian Marclay's edition Manga Scroll featured on Art21
Printmaking + Sculpture Terms
For sales, or more information about an edition, please contact Graphicstudio at (813) 974-3503 or gsoffice@usf.edu.
Copyright + Reproduction
Images of the artwork are jointly owned by the artist and Graphicstudio. Reproduction of any kind including electronic media must be expressly approved by Graphicstudio.